We have several categories of membership: Single, Family, Associate, Affiliate. They are described below:
1. SINGLE MEMBER (£25 per year)
This is not a reference to matrimonial status (!) but is our equivalent to Full Voting Member for which the only qualification is that you are the owner of any sort of boat capable of use on the inland canals, rivers or Broads of the UK. Any or all part owners in a boat-share or syndicate scheme may also join as Single Members with individual voting rights.
2. FAMILY MEMBER (£5 per year)
This is for anyone of any age who normally boats with and is associated with a nominated boat-owner who has joined as a Single Member. They are normally considered to be of the same household/address. Family Members are counted as Full Members as far as voting rights and membership of NABO Council are concerned.
3. ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP (£20 per year)
This is for anyone who supports the aims and objectives of the Association but currently does not have a boat e.g. is in between boats; is having a new one built; is contemplating buying one for the first time. It is a good way of being in touch and kept up-to-date though NABO News. There are no voting rights. As soon as a boat is acquired and the Membership Secretary notified of the details membership is changed to Single (as above).
This is for Boat Clubs, Societies and other Organisations associated with the inland waterways who wish to support NABO and to receive regular information through NABO News and any Press Releases. There are no voting rights.
Members are kept fully up-to-date with all matters relating to boat owning, especially navigations, stoppages, licensing, insurance, mooring matters, Boat Safety, plans and decisions by British Waterways and Environment Authority affecting boaters, special offers on boating equipment and services, etc., through NABO NEWS. This is published six or seven times a year following meetings of NABO Council. Information is often circulated ahead of the rest of the waterways press.
We look forward to having you aboard! Go to Join now to sign up on line.
If you want to download an application form click here.