How do I prepare a Bulletin

So you want to send a bulletin to one of the mailing lists?


Note that you should only create a Bulletin if you have Council’s authority to do so. You cannot send the bulletin yourself; the webmaster or his deputy will have to do this, mainly for reasons of security. At this stage, for security reasons, this can only be done by the webmaster or his deputy.

You will do this in two stages – create the Bulletin as you would any other article, and then create the email ready to be sent. Before doing anything else, Login – I assume you know how to do that, because you are reading this.

  1. On the User Menu, select Submit an Article. Create your Bulletin as you would any other article, in Section Reference and category Bulletins. Publish it, so that your Bulletin appears on the website. (You can set it to publish later if you wish. But you might forget!)
  2. On the User Menu, select Bulletins.
    1. This will display two icons – Subscriptions and Lists. Choose Lists. This will display the Mailing Lists page, with the list of Mailing Lists.
    2. Choose Create / View Mailings for the group you wish to send the Bulletin to. This will display the Mailings for Newsletter page, with a list of the previous bulletins, if any, sent since February 2010.
    3. At the bottom of the list, choose Create a New Mailing. This will open the Edit a Newsletter page.
    4. Enter a Subject – probably the same as the Bulletin Title from step 1.
    5. In the article text box, highlight Enter Text Here like so.
    6. Under Status, check the yes against Published.
    7. Find the Bulletin you created in Step 1 from the list. e.g. “Reference/Bulletins/BW go into voluntary liquidation” and click on it. This will highlight it.
    8. In the Content Tag box above the list of articles, you should now see something like {contentitem:176|0}. Click the Insert button. In the article text box “Enter Text Here” should have been replaced with {contentitem:176|0}. This will display your bulletin when the newsletters are sent out.
    9. Go down to the bottom of the page and click on the Save Newsletter button. Your newsletter will be saved.
    10. Email the webmaster asking for the email to be sent out. You can specify a “not before” date and time, if you wish.

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