Lymm to Preston Brook

Sunday 12th September 2010

Again managed to get up at 6.30 and off for nearly an hour brisk walk – part tow path and part bits of Lymm I had never seen before.

Picked up the Sundays and back for my porridge before anyone else was about. Well that’s a lie, cos Mitch was also prowling around the town as he was still on Aussie time.


By 9.30 all were up and in their kayaks and off down to Preston Brook Waters Meet. The Bridgewater was pretty busy – quite a few coming back to Lymm from the Commodores Barbeque Cruise. The guys made good time – steady 3-4 mph and apart from a brief photo call at Stockton Heath were at our target mooring outside Midland Chandlers, who had kindly allowed us its use, and the antipodeans were off seeking a pub by 2pm! The rest of us chilled, did boaty things, and polishy things before tucking in to some great pasta made in the Dreampot. We then were introduced to some Australian Rum Bungey something or other – went down well!

I must point out at this stage that while all this drinking and eating goes on, poor old Justin bravely just watches as he can’t take anything – just his special feed on his drip: brings home how lucky we all are once again. Once or twice I did see such longing to taste just a mouthful or two, but he resisted. He can eat solids and does when he knows he can get to a loo quickly, but on this trip where he is in a kayak for up to 7 hours a day, he can’t risk needing a loo, hence the special feeds he gets delivered every couple of days!

(9.72 miles, 0 locks)

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