Upload files – Restricted

Upload a file to our website

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  1. There should be a Minussign above. If there is a Plussign, click on it. This will open the Add Folder and Upload a new file box.
  2. Click on the Browse button above right and locate the file on your computer that you wish to upload.
  3. Select (double-click or click and "Open") that file. The file location will appear in the box to the left of the Browse button
  4. Click on theUpload a new File button(Upload a new file) button to the right of the Browse button.
    If a message "A file with this name exists already; you may choose to: keep the existing one OR override it with the new version OR backup current copy first," click on backup current copy first.
  5. Once the page has been refreshed, you can go to another menu choice or logout..


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