Boaters’ open meeting to discuss PLA proposals – 11th October

Boaters have expressed concerns to NABO about the current Port of London Authority consultation on the future management and pricing of River Works Licences for Residential Moorings.

As previously reported, Tidal Thames based residential boaters have formed a local representative group OPLAC (the Organisation of PLA Customers), which has been representing the views of many boaters moored on PLA waters during the current negotiations. OPLAC Chair, David Beaumont has told NABO that he and his members are "very unhappy" with the current consultation.

Accordingly OPLAC will be holding a public meeting to discuss the PLA proposals further on Tuesday 11th October from 6pm, upstairs at the Rutland Arms, Lower Mall, Hammersmith, W6 9DJ. Any boaters who might be effected are encouraged to attend in person if you can.

River Works Licences are in effect the collective moorings agreements between many boaters and/or their moorings providers and the PLA. As the name implies many physical moorings (i.e. jetties, piers etc) are subject to these licence agreements between the mooring operator and the PLA. Clearly the pricing of these agreements and other terms and conditions included in these agreements can be a significant factor in overall mooring fees levels on PLA waters.

NABO members effected by this who wish to make representations through NABO, (especially if you are not already in contact with OPLAC) are welcome to make their views known to our Moorings Rep, Simon Robbins (or any other Council members). While OPLAC is doing sterling work on this, NABO is also happy to offer direct representations to the PLA as well. Please let us know your views on this (if possible by the end of October so that we have some time to compile anything that needs writing in advance of the formal closure date for making representation to PLA under the current consultation – 18 November).

Further details and a formal statement of OPLAC's current concerns which closely mirror those that have been expressed to NABO to date, are available on their website.



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