Welcome to NABO

Welcome to the National Association of Boat Owners website. It's good to have you aboard!


Now that you have discovered the "Members-Only" part of the website, you can check and amend your membership details at any time, by selecting the "Your Profile" link on the User Menu. Don't forget to update your Profile if you move house, change your phone, boat or mooring etc.


Also, you now have online access to the latest issue of NABO News on the Members Menu and other Members-Only parts of the site.


We hope you will enjoy the benefits of NABO membership for many years. If you think you can help us in any way, do get in touch. All our Council members and Regional Representatives are volunteers like you and the more active members we have, the better we can fulfil our goal of listening to boat owners and speaking out for boat owners.


For your own security, we recommend you Logout, when you have finished using the members-only part of the website.

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