HS2 prefered routes to Leeds and Manchester published

The Department for Tranport have released the HS2 phase two initial preffered route plans. There are maps providing a detailed depiction of the two routes to West Midlands to Leeds and Manchester.

Route maps

The overall route is shown on the two route maps: ‘Route map West Midlands to Leeds’ and ‘Route map West Midlands to Manchester’. The route maps also illustrate how the route has been split into route sections and gives the section reference number for each section.

Line of route plan and profile maps

The plan and profile maps show the specific line of the route on Ordnance Survey mapping background. The bottom portion of each map depicts the profile of the line in relation to the ground – for example, showing where the line is in a cutting or on an embankment, bridge or viaduct. They also show indicative road diversions and junction layouts.


The full set of maps can be found here.


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