Bulletin January 2014

This is the seventh NABO Bulletin.

On the 14th of January, Mike Rodd, Mark Tizard and NABO's legal representative Geoffrey Rogerson met with CRT's Chief Executive, Richard Parry, and
recently promoted legal counsel, Jackie Lewis. This meeting gave NABO the opportunity to explain its views on a wide range of issues, informed by
legal opinion obtained from NABO's solicitors. NABO's team were impressed by the willingness of Richard and Jackie to engage in discussions on key
issues and a report on this constructive meeting will follow.

CRT response to the Towpath Mooring Plan for the K&A Canal West of Devizes is now available.  see 
http://canalrivertrust.org.uk/about-us/consultations/completed-consultations    Further comment from NABO in due course.

NABO has contacted CRT suggested they appoint a boating welfare manager details on the web site.

Simon Robbins has submitted an FOI request on the issue of court action against the vulnerable.

NABO has commented on the current discussions regarding the proposed dramatic reduction in the number of visitor moorings and the proposed introduction of new short stay moorings.

David Fletcher (Web master) attended the BSS Management Committee at EA Office Westminster on the 20th December.

Simon Robbins (London Representative) continues to contribute to the Better Relationships meetings in London. The next meeting is at end of next week.

Simon will also attend a Waterways Commission meeting in February. The GLA report is expected to be on the agenda.

NABO Council met on the 18th of January at the Wolverhampton Boat Club and welcomed back Trevor Rogers (BSS and Technical Rep) as a co-opted member.
This was a long and complex meeting dealing with issues ranging from administrative matters including new membership support systems through to policy matters arising from the many present CRT consultations. It was also agreed that Council would continue to meet at member boat clubs, both to show support for the clubs and also to give their members the opportunity to meet Council members and raise any matters with them and the Council. Suggestions for future clubs to visit are welcomed!

Council are looking for help of a member who is prepared to undertake the roles of financial book keeper and Minutes Secretary. If you can assist, please get in touch.

On the 17th of December Mike Rodd accompanied NABO's Thames Navigation User Forum [TNUF])  representative Louis Jankel to their critical meeting focused on the financial issues facing the Environment Agency caused by huge cut-backs in their funding - see Louis' report in December NABO News. Mike commented that whilst he was shocked at the extent of the cuts being imposed and how these conflict with ministerial statements, he was most impressed by the openness of senior EA officials to discuss and debate financial details - something which he hopes to see from CRT.

Richard Carpenter (Gen Sec) is active with the NABO Facebook account at the moment, raising the Association’s profile and engaging with boaters. If you use Facebook, please take a look

CRT Chief Executive has set up open boater meetings. The first one was at Birmingham, but there are further ones on 8th February, 3pm in Nottingham, and Wednesday 26 February, 6pm in Banbury. See web site for details. If you want to go, book in with CRT at fran.read@canalrivertrust.org.uk.

Consultations on the HS2 Phase 1 and Phase 2 route close shortly. If you wish to comment, now is the time. NABO will make some selected comments.

The next NABO News is in preparation, with a closing data for copy on 24 Jan. You will find it on the web site in ten days and in the post around mid February.

We have changed our business address, to PO Box 104, LEYLAND, PR25 9AN. Please note this is no longer a FREEPOST address. The old address will no longer work.

Web master on behalf of the NABO Council


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