CRT’s Mark Stephens receives John Gould Award

At today’s AGM of the K&A Canal Trust, Mark Stephens, until recently CRT’s K&A Waterways Manager, was awarded the prestigious John Gould Award for 2014 by KACT’s President, David Bruce.

This annual award is presented to a person or group who has “undertaken noteworthy actions or deeds for the Kennet & Avon Canal in the past year”. The award is made by the Chairman of the original K&A HLF-grant Partnership, acting on advice from the Trustees of the K&A Canal Trust.

In making the award, the Chairman of the K&A Canal Trustees, Rob Dean, said that this decision had the unanimous support of his Trustees and members. On behalf of the K&A Trade Association, last years’ winner, Bill Fisher, said that all the members of the Association fully supported the decision, recognising Mark’s superb work and leadership over the past 5 years.

Regular K&A boaters will agree that Mark left the canal in a far better shape than when he arrived. He was very popular with all users, always open to discussion and debate, frank in explaining any CRT shortcomings, and provided exemplary leadership of his staff.

Not to anyone’s surprise, Mark has recently been promoted within CRT to become Head of Engineering Design.

Mike Rodd

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