Advance notice: NABO AGM

Come and join us at the Annual General Meeting.


The NABO AGM is on Saturday 14th November at the Wolverhampton Boat Club, Barnhurst Lane, Bilbrook, Wolverhampton, WV8 1RS (by boat it is on the Shropshire Union Canal, about one mile up from Autherley Junction). We will start at 10.30 am with the AGM formal business, followed by a presentation and discussion. After a light lunch, there will be a meeting of the new Council, to which NABO members are welcome.

This year, why not make a decision to join the dedicated band of discontents (only joking guys and gals!) that represent our increasing membership and stand for election to NABO Council for 2015–2016? The Council meets around seven times per year and the work is rewarding and interesting, giving an in-depth insight into what is really happening on (and to) our waterways. You’ll learn what goes on behind the scenes and make some new friends along the way. There are few formalities and you can choose how much or little you are able to contribute – either from the comfort of your home or out and about at meetings. This year, the Council really needs people with social media skills to help with supporting our Facebook and Twitter presence, so if this is you, don’t be shy – let us know. Please complete the nomination form in this issue, photocopy it if you would rather keep your NABO News intact, and then return it to Richard Carpenter, General Secretary, by 9th October. If you don’t have anyone to pro­pose and second you, just phone one of the Council members and we can sort that out. Please use the space on the nomination form for necessary declarations or include them on an attached sheet.


Resolutions: Please send the General Secretary any resolutions you wish put before the AGM with the names of proposer and seconder by 2nd October.


Please send nominations and resolutions either by email to gen.sec@ or by post to

Richard Carpenter, PO Box 104, Leyland, PR25 9AN

Richard Carpenter

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