Help CRT to keep their maps up to date

We have been asked by CRT to help them in a very practical way which will benefit us all.

Damian Kemp, CRT’s Boating Communications Manager, asks as follows:

As you’ll probably know, our website has a mapping section which displays a wide variety of information – everything from volunteering opportunities to Elsan points. It’s this latter type of information that we’ve been working on. We’ve gone through reams of data and, where we’ve noticed them, corrected any errors. This updated lump of information has now been uploaded. But, as you can imagine, there are literally hundreds of waterside objects around the network and, to keep the maps up to date, we want to tap in to the year round presence of boaters.

We’ve developed a simple form that boaters can use to submit reports on a range of facilities that they think we need to update on our map. We’ve also developed a supporting process that will then update the maps once a month. We know that some boaters rely on the maps so we’re really excited to be close to sharing this with the boating community. But, before we do, we were hoping you could help us test out the system?

You don’t necessarily have to wait until you’re out cruising – if you’re going for a canalside stroll then, when you come to one of the facilities listed below, just pop online on your phone, have a look at the map, and see if the details of that particular one are right. If not, just fill in the form and submit the correct details. We’ve also got a PDF containing third party pump outs which aren’t on the map yet as we want to check their accuracy – so please do check these too!

The links for everything are (you might want to copy and paste these into the notes section of your phone for easy access):

Check the map at:

Fill in new details using this form:

List of Third Party Pump Outs:

List of facilities that we’d like checking:

Customer service facilities, Elsan, Water points, Pump outs, Refuse Disposal, Moorings, Bridges, Access points

We’d really like your help with this and will appreciate any you can give! If you’ve any questions, or you’re having trouble with any part of this process, then please get in touch with Debbie Lumb (

Thanks in advance,

Damian Kemp

Boating communications manager

Canal & River Trust

07887 855 306

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