Farewell to two good friends of NABO

Louis Jankel

I am sure you will share my sadness to hear that Louis Jankel passed away on 13th December. I have only known Louis for the past three years, but soon came to realise how very passionate he was about our wonderful Thames and related waterways – not only always willing to challenge EA and others responsible, but rolling up his sleeves and getting stuck in. A deeply committed and religious man, he set the highest of standards and was always true to himself and those he represented. He will be so missed. With much sadness. Mike Rodd

Fiona Slee

Hilary and I were saddened to hear the news that Fi is no longer with us. I last met up with her and John when they visited the Pocklington Canal in ‘Epiphany’ and Fiona went on to write a useful and definitive section about the canal in her Book ‘North Yorkshire Waterways’, published by Richlow in 2011, which is a valuable addition to my bookshelf.

I remember her enthusiasm for everything around her, and have enjoyed reading her daily writings, accompanied by her many photographs, in the daily blog about their many years of cruising the inland waterways. Fiona was a shining example of how to overcome adversity caused by ill health and she set a marvellous example to everyone who may be fighting a similar battle. It is a sad loss and our thoughts go out to John, Craig and the rest of the family at this difficult time. Howard and Hilary Anguish

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