Next week sees our AGM at Wolverhampton Boat Club which of course will include the election of officers for the coming year.
There are no special requests for Agenda Items, so the main formalities will be to receive the Chairman's report, the Financial Statement for year ended 31st March 2013 from the Treasurer and the main thing will be the election of officers.
There have been no nominations from new potential Councilors and the following current Council members are standing for re-election.
In no particular order they are:
Jane Taylor who in her day job is an independent counselor and Psychotherapist. Jane lives with her partner on board her 55ft narrowboat "Ofira" in Staffordshire. Jane has been Deputy Chair for the past year and is keen to continue to offer her skills to members and assist council in general.
David Fletcher
Current Chair (5 years now) who has worked tirelessly for NABO as well as sitting on a number of committees including the BSS and has seen us cover off the transition from BW to CRT. Is standing down as Chair this year after the AGM but will continue to work to help a new Chair in the aims of the Association.
Mark Tizard has been a Councilor for the past year and stands for re-election, a boat owner for 30 years. Mark is concerned that NABO should be seen to be a critical friend of CRT and believe that NABO is the only INDEPENDENT National Organisation that can do this.
Dr Mike Rodd
Mike says,'Having started hiring boats across the system in the 1980’s , I bought my own on the Mon & Brec in 1999. An MCA-qualified Boatmaster, I also skipper public trip boats on the K&A. As General Manager, and later Chairman, of The K&A Canal Trust I established the first trial BW/CRT Waterways Partnership, bringing me into close contact with the emerging CRT. CRT has to succeed, but to achieve this a deep cultural change is essential, whereby it learns to work closely with its prime users – boaters and the canal societies."
Peter Fellows " I have been a boater for 30 years, owning my own for 25 years, cruising most inland waterways. I have an interest in all matters boating and support the aims and work of NABO. In my day job I have experienced of technical writing and editing and would be pleased to continue on Council next year, mainly as Editor of NABO News which I am proud to have developed, but helping where I can with its work in general."
Stephen Peters.
Stephen has been a Council member for more than 20 years mainly as Treasurer and is pleased to continue. He represents boaters in the GRP sector in particular and does most of his boating in the South West Midlands. He is keen to get the message across to boat owners that the work of NABO as an independent voice is critical for owners who have made the significant investment required for boat ownership andnew blood is important to carry on the work of the past 23 years.
Geoffrey Rogerson.
Geoffrey has been a Council member for many years and specialises in the legal aspects of boating, licensing and other matters. Geoffrey welcomes the CRT but is very keen before he hangs up his windlass to see the formal rights and intentions clarified for all boat owners and users whatever their usage patterns. Geoffrey has his boat on the K&A and has worked tirelessly in trying to help with policies that are pertinent to that region but arerelevant throughout the system.