Don’t be shy! – NABO needs YOU

Editor, Peter Fellows, describes some current threats to boating and why you can help NABO. CRT’s Annual Report, published in July, makes for mixed reading: income and expenditure on the waterways were up in all areas over the year, but boater satisfaction declined significantly. CRT attributes this to ‘disruption due to summer water shortages, changes […]

NABO response to Consultation for Diesel Fuel Used in Private Leisure Craft

The National Association of Boat Owners (NABO) is a voluntary membership organisation, principally consisting of private boat owners based on the inland waterways of England and Wales. NABO exists to represent the interests of its members with navigation authorities and government organisations and to promote responsible ownership and use of inland boats. I am writing […]

GDPR – one year in

David Fletcher examines your personal data in detail The GDPR was introduced in May 2018. NABO has to comply (as do all organi­sations that hold ‘personal data’), as we hold information about people for a ‘business or other non-household purpose’. At the June Council meeting, the team took time out to review our current position […]

More rubbish

More rubbish Editor Peter Fellows considers the plastics problem. I think most people would welcome CRT’s ‘Plastics Challenge’, launched in June. Visitors to the waterways are being asked to pick up one piece of litter to prevent the half-million plus pieces of plastic entering the sea from UK canals each year.

Access to CRT maps

It is possible to access CRTs maps on mobile devices. These maps contain their information on assets and also show how towpath mowing should take place. To see these, you will need an application called Explorer for ArcGIS. This is on both IOS and Android. Instructions are here: CRT set the mowing plans by […]