CRT appoints Julie Sharman as Head of Asset Management and Performance.

NABO welcomes the appointment of Julie Sharman as CRT’s Head of Asset Management & Performance.  Julie, a Professional, Chartered Civil Engineer, is well known to many boaters for her outstanding work and deep understanding of the canals and their infrastructure.

Open letter to CRT about Continuously Cruising Enforcement Communications

NABO today has written an open letter to Ian Rogers CRT's Head of Customer Services. This is in response to CRTs letter to boaters with boats with out a home mooring (CCers). CRT's policy statement can be found here: The text of CRT's letter to all CCers can be found here. If you are affected […]

Boaters without a Home Mooring: How far is far enough?

CRT have just released the following statement: Following our recent communication, a number of boaters have asked for clarification of the legal requirement to cruise throughout the period of their licence and, in particular, what is the minimum distance that should be covered in order to comply with the Trust’s Guidance for Boaters without a […]

Report on CRT Water Resources Strategy Consultation

Delivering a long term security of water supply to the waterway network will help the Canal & River Trust achieve its vision of living waterways that transform places and enrich lives. To enable this, CRT are developing a Water Resources Strategy to allow them to plan successfully for the future.

Comments from a Continuous Cruiser

Dear NABO Council, Thank you for sending me your informative bulletins and the always excellent NABO News. Rarely do I comment on boating matters, but I do believe it is essential for all boaters to be members of NABO, particularly now that CRT are becoming more aggressive regarding cruising distances, especially with regard to boaters […]

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