Canal Closures

NABO wants waterway closures and restrictions to be minimised. Too often canals are closed for long periods and inadequate notice is given of stoppages and restrictions. NABO is represented at the National Stoppages meeting and its Regional Secretaries monitor planned closures and argue the case for more opening periods, better synchronisation and longer advanced notice.

Boating Issues at Local Level

NABO ‘s system of regional and local level representation provides a valuable means of cross fertilisation of ideas between different waterways. There have been many instances where NABO representatives have been able to cite productive thinking on one waterway to benefit others.

NABO WC Surveys 2009

Dear friends At the end of August this year, NABO invited members, boat owners and hirers to respond to either or both of our online surveys: British Waterways' Waterways Condition Survey 2009 and Other Agencies' Waterways Condition Survey 2009.

BW Waterways Condition Survey

Inland Waterways Deteriorating, say Boaters Two surveys initiated by the National Association of Boaters (NABO) have concluded that boaters believe that the inland waterways managed by British Waterways are in a parlous state.

OA Waterways Condition Survey

Two surveys initiated by the National Association of Boaters (NABO) have concluded that boaters are generally inclined to be positive about the state of inland waterways managed by Agencies other than British Waterways (BW), but feel negative about the canals and rivers run by BW.