Report on boater meeting with CE at Anderton

This is a summary report on the boater meeting(s) held at Anderton Lift on 1st April 2014.

There were two meetings back to back. The writer attend the second, understood to be the less well attended. There was never the less a good balance of well informed boaters present, and many of the usual boater issues came up.

CRT were heavily represented with two area managers, and many engineers, and PR staff. The atmosphere was welcoming.

Richard Parry gave a short introduction and then took questions. There was a lively debate. The issue ranged from national, to local maintenance, and interfaces with other users. Northwich fishermen took some adverse comments.

The main items covered were:

Pump out availability and reliability

Towpath condition near Anderton.

Residential mooring and CCing.

Towpath conflict with anglers and cyclists.

Restoration policy for canals.

Organisation and Governance issues


CRT's minutes for the meetings can be here:

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