Boat Owners take part in the Pageant

Boat Owners took a full part in the Thames Pageant to celebrate the Diamond Jubilee.

Here are a few photos from your roving reporter.

The boats assembled up river between Chiswick and Battersea, and then moved off in fleets to join the larger craft as they moved down stream.

The rowing fleet started above Hammersmith and here they are at 12 noon approaching the bridge. They rowed for 5 hours!

The Dunkirk and historic boats assembled in the river near to Fulham FC. Here they are waiting for the off at 2pm.

Here are a mix of the leisure fleet approaching Putney.

NABO member Louis Jankle approaches Putney bridge, flying the NABO Penant.

The narrow boat fleet pass Putney at 3.15pm

The narrow boat fleet approach Blackfriars at 5pm. By then the rain had set in.

Barges in line ahead off the Embankment at Temple.

A good day for boaters, boats and boating in general!


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