British Waterways Act 1995

NABO was formed at the time that this Act of Parlament was being debated and drafted. NABO members took part in many of consultations. This Act affects all boaters on waterways controlled by CRT (previously BW), and one part of the Act governs the right of boaters to continously cruise. NABO secured 28 amendments to the Act and concessions on the way it would be applied before it was passed. These brought in valuable safeguards for boaters.

BW’s undertakings can be read here

You can read the 1995 British Waterways act here

NABO continues to monitor the interpretation of the Act and the cases that CRT bring to Court.

The most recent challenge is to reject CRT requirment for boats with a home mooring to ‘bona fide cruise’ when away from their moorings.


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