British Waterways responds to drought conditions

Following closures on the K&A and GU canals, BW has alerted boaters to the drought conditions that may affect boating during 2012, through their Waterscape website. Vince Moran, BW’s Operations Director said that It is no secret that parts of England have had the driest year for over 100 years which may pose problems for a proportion of our canal network…..

British Waterways is investing in a programme of works to help ensure water supplies will last as long as possible through the 2012 main boating season.

Whilst much of the nation’s waterway network will not be significantly affected, BW has identified a package of schemes in the Midlands, South East and on the Kennet & Avon Canal which will help them to keep waterways open. BW is making use of alternative supplies to help replenish reservoir levels and conserve the available water.

The article claims that “national boating and trade organisations are being kept up to date and have an important role to play in promoting efficient use of water to their members. It is unlikely that these measures will solve the problem in its entirety, and we’ll be working closely with boating groups, waterway businesses and volunteers throughout the winter and beyond, but by implementing these measures now we’ll put the waterways in the best possible position for next year.”

Vince Moran continued, “The key message is that we don’t want anyone to panic and at this stage we’re not advising any private or holiday hire boaters to change their cruising plans. Next year is likely to be a challenge.”

David Fletcher, NABO chairman says, “Any water shortage is a very serious matter for boaters. We will cooperate in any way possible to assist BW and the EA in keeping canals and rivers open and minimising disruption to boaters. We will use our website and NABO News to keep our members up to date with the situation.”

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