The BSS has just completed a periodic review of the Examination Checking Procedures (2005), and boaters have an opportunity to view the proposed changes to these which apply to privately owned and privately managed boats.
The proposals have been formulated with the help and guidance from examiners, boat owner and marine trade representatives on the BSS support committees. NABO representatives David Fletcher and Trevor Rogers have been involved.
The BSS Examination Checking Procedures set out the details of the BSS Examination that the BSS and its owners, the Navigation Authorities, require BSS Examiners to perform. These checking procedures are mirrored by the BSS Essential Guide for boat owners and others.
The proposals follow a review intended to make essential editorial changes to help BSS Examiners perform the checks more consistently. There are also some technical changes that will affect a very small number of boat owners and in general, these will help the BSS achieve a consistent risk management approach.
Most, around 60 per cent of the changes are tidying up the editorial content. The balance, can be summarised in this way:
- a new check for portable fuel tanks in engine spaces;
- five new advice checks concerning 230V a.c. systems;
- a new advice check for cracks and unintended gaps on solid fuel appliances;
- 15 existing checks amended to introduce an enhanced technical requirement;
- 63 changes have been made to the existing checks that reduce or slightly change the technical impact;
- two checks, one about marine fuel filters and the other about 230V a.c. shore connections are being removed.
It is anticipated that the changes will take effect on 1 January 2013 by which time, all examiners will have completed online and local workshop training exercises.
The web pages covering the seven BSS Parts where changes are proposed can be seen here.
NABO representatives continue to work with BSS to represent the needs and point of view of boaters.