Bulletin October 2013

Dear Members,

This is the third NABO Bulletin. This is not intended to complete with NABO News, but rather to tell members what Association Officers are doing for you, and what you can do for the Association.

Internal NABO issues

The next Council meeting is on Saturday 12 October at the Waggon and Horses, Olbury, West Midlands. Members are encouraged to attend, but please contact the General Secretary Richard first. The October NN is in print and should be with you any time now. The web site edition has been posted for a week or so.

The AGM will take place on Saturday 16th November 2013 at Wolverhampton Boat Club, Pendeford Lane, Wolverhampton, WV10 0PG.  Usual business to start at 10.45 – tea and coffee available from 10.15.

The speaker is Adam Comerford, Group Hydrology manager at CRT who will provide an illustrated talk about his role, the problems he faces and the solutions at his disposal. (Its very interesting and informative – we know because some of us have heard Adam speaking at CRT events.)

As always, we need your support to continue the work, both at the AGM and in Council. That means new faces please, to take the load. The best way is to come to Council and see the work in hand, and find what you can do. Please don’t be shy. There are jobs for many skills around the table. Council nomination forms are in NN, but in case of difficulty with dates, please contact the General Secretary.

Importantly we need to build a new team to handle the membership administration. Melanie has now given us notice that she wants to do other things from next year, and we need to find a team for a smooth handover. Is that you? Please get in touch with any Association officer.

The next NABO news will be published in December. Final copy date is 23 November. Please do send in items to the Editor Peter Fellows.

Past representation events

Council members  Mark Tizard and Mike Rodd met with Sally Ash and Denise Yelland (Head of enforcement) and Damian Kemp in September to continue the dialog on mooring issues. A report is on the web site and in the latest NABO News.

SE mooring trials: CRT has sent out questionnaires to those identified as staying on the three pilot visitor mooring sites. If you are included in this, please let us know and your views. NABO has written to CRT to ask how the seasonal relaxation of the mooring restrictions on the pilot sites will be communicated. CRT have published their Winter mooring regulations and the web links can be found on the NABO web site.

The K&A mooring trial consultation has been launched. NABO has previously commented, but will do so again. Please give us your views.

Chairman David Fletcher attended the CRT Navigation Advisory Group (Operations) meeting in September. Minutes of meeting are posted on the CRT web site.

Mike Rodd attended an upbeat CRT National Users’ Forum in September in Birmingham.

Legal representative Geoffrey Rogerson and other Council members continue to work on a paper to summarise the legal advice obtained by NABO.

Yorks and Humber regional representative Howard Anguish attended the Yorkshire and Humber marine aggregates deliverability study focus group in September. He also attend the ER & NY waterway Partnership meeting.

Howard has also received detailed information on DVD concerning proposed Leeds trolley Vehicle System Order (Transport & Works (applications and objections procedure) to study and reply to by end October. He is also providing on-going assistance with CRT NE Partnership Mooring Study, Leeds. If you wish to make comment on these matters, please get in touch.

Thames regional representative Louis Jankel attended the  Thames Navigation Users Forum (TNUF)in September. The main issue is the proposal to increase registration fees by inflation +2%. Look out for reports on the web site and the December NABO News.

Future representation events

A team from Council will meet with Richard Parry, CRT’s new CEO in November.

Howard Anguish will attending the East Midlands (N) user group meeting Retford 8th October and the CRT NE Partnership Annual Meeting, Leeds, 22nd October

It is the season of CRT user group meetings. Dates and places can be found here: http://canalrivertrust.org.uk/meetings
Please do share the load with regional representatives and go, and lets us know how you get on! You do not need an invitation, just turn up!

NABO will provide support to TUGn over the issue of increases in registration fees and under recovery due to lack of enforcement.

Mike Rodd will attend a 2-day working meeting in October of the Hire boat code sub group.
David Fletcher will attend a trade forum as part of the consultations for the proposals for the hire boat code.
Technical Representative Trevor Rogers will attend a strategy workshop in October for the future of the BSS.

I hope to see you at the AGM!



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