Bridgwater tidal barrier consultation

Mike Rodd responds to DEFRA for NABO. ‘Having studied the submission prepared by the Inland Waterways Association, NABO supports its objections to the proposed order as follows: Land is required within the decommissioned bypass channel for the future construction of a lock to mitigate the impact of the tidal barrier; Navigation over its lifetime has […]

NABO response to Consultation for Diesel Fuel Used in Private Leisure Craft

The National Association of Boat Owners (NABO) is a voluntary membership organisation, principally consisting of private boat owners based on the inland waterways of England and Wales. NABO exists to represent the interests of its members with navigation authorities and government organisations and to promote responsible ownership and use of inland boats. I am writing […]

CRT review of boat licensing

CRT has begun the first phase of its three-stage consultation on how boats are licensed on its waterways, using the independent charity specialising in public engagement, Involve. In stage one; representatives of the main boating organisations are being interviewed to find their views on how the consultation should work and what it should cover. In the […]

Response to DTI Consultation on Cycling and Walking Strategy

This is a very welcome and worthy aim. However, the strategy has one glaring omission. While it’s very strong on protecting cyclists and pedestrians from motor vehicles, it is silent on the need to manage shared space used by both cyclists and pedestrians.

Middle Level Commissioners legislation change

We have received a consultation document concerning the Middle Level Commissioners proposals to revise the legislation relating to the Middle Level River system and their functions as the Navigation Authority. NABO will comment formally in due course but comments to us or directly are invited. The document can be read here. The Middle Level Commissioners’ […]

CRT consultation on changes to Liverpool Link 2015 season

CRT is considering changing the way that they manage the Leeds & Liverpool Canal from Hancock’s Swing Bridge to Stanley Locks. Unfortunately NABO was not formally advised about this, and indeed it does not appear on CRT’s website, but having discovered it was being undertaken, we would like to make a submission. CRT has extended […]

CRT consultation on the design of safety fences

Marple Aqueduct, on the Peak Forest Canal, is undergoing over half a million pounds worth of repair, conservation and access improvement work as part of the Heritage Lottery funded Revealing Oldknow’s Legacy project. The anticipated increase in visitor numbers following the improvements has led to a safety review of the Aqueduct that concluded additional measures […]

CRT report on Towpath Consultation

CRT have just reported on the recent Towath Usage consultation.  They say: In March we began consulting nationally on our Sharing Towpaths project and asked people to provide feedback by completing a short survey. A total of 2,148 people completed the online survey, we had 88 responses to our sharing towpaths email address and three workshops were held […]