Canals full of boats, but frustrations galore.
Editor, Peter Fellows, includes a roundup of members’ photos. It’s been a busy summer on the waterways as many people decided on a ‘staycation’ instead of holidaying abroad, with hireboat companies reportedly fully booked. Unfortunately, those who decided to head north had their travel plans disrupted by a series of stoppages on the Macclesfield, Peak […]
Time for a rethink?
Editor, Peter Fellows, considers an alternative to the present CRT structure Two aspects have dominated NABO’s work since the last issue: CRT’s new licence terms and conditions and the threats to the waterway heritage. The T&Cs continue to exercise people who realise the significance of the changes – unfortunately not the majority of boaters. I’ve […]
Time for a rethink?
Editor, Peter Fellows, considers an alternative to the present CRT structure. This issue reflects two concerns that have been raised recently regarding the poor state of the canal infrastructure and the loss of waterway heritage. There are currently a record number of unplanned canal closures and lock or culvert failures, especially in the North. Given […]
“There is nothing – absolutely nothing – half so much worth doing as simply messing about in boats.”
Editor, Peter Fellows, is hoping to be back on board this month. After what seems to have been an eternal winter, it’s good to see spring arriving again. Some members have used the latest lockdown to reflect on boating as it used to be: Stephen Peters looks back over 50 years to, among other boat […]
Lockdown blues
Editor, Peter Fellows, has spotted inconsistencies in the way that boaters are being treated. Despite it being midwinter with a national lockdown in place – or on reflection, perhaps because of this – I’ve received a bountiful crop of contributions for this issue. Clearly, people are thinking about boating even though they are unable to […]
Editorial December 2020
Editor, Peter Fellows, looks at what might be in store for a rejuvenated NABO Council next year. Following appeals for more members to help with NABO, the Council is delighted to welcome three new members: Anne Husar, who will take on the role of Publicity and Communications Officer; Peter Braybrook, who will also be the […]
New blood to replace old friends
Editor, Peter Fellows, says that, with meetings held by phone or Zoom, it has never been easier to support NABO. This is the first issue since lockdown ended and it features the widespread dismay by boaters at the state of the infrastructure that they encountered when they restarted cruising. Lack of maintenance and vegetation management […]
Back cruising again this summer
Editor, Peter Fellows, reflects on the effects of the lockdown. As this issue of NABO News was being prepared, CRT and the EA announced the resumption of boating on July 4th in England and July 6th in Wales. No-one believes that everything will go back to ‘normal’, but it is too early to tell what […]
Mostly, but not all about Coronavirus
Editor, Peter Fellows, has news of other developments, even though little is happening on the waterways. The ramifications of the Coronavirus lockdown have dominated the waterway news for nearly eight weeks at the time of writing and these are widely reflected in this issue. CRT’s decision not to close towpaths to visitors initially caused an […]
Stay safe
Editor, Peter Fellows, has a wide range of news in these uncertain times. Unsurprisingly, Covid-19 is foremost in most people’s minds and this is reflected in this issue. Mike Rodd has been attending EA and Thames User Group meetings on behalf of NABO. This is in addition to his many other jobs as Chair (such […]