Don’t be shy! – NABO needs YOU

Editor, Peter Fellows, describes some current threats to boating and why you can help NABO. CRT’s Annual Report, published in July, makes for mixed reading: income and expenditure on the waterways were up in all areas over the year, but boater satisfaction declined significantly. CRT attributes this to ‘disruption due to summer water shortages, changes […]

More rubbish

More rubbish Editor Peter Fellows considers the plastics problem. I think most people would welcome CRT’s ‘Plastics Challenge’, launched in June. Visitors to the waterways are being asked to pick up one piece of litter to prevent the half-million plus pieces of plastic entering the sea from UK canals each year.

Warming climate and relationships?

Warming climate and relationships? Editor Peter Fellows detects changes that could affect boaters both negatively and positively. It’s not yet summer and there are already boating restrictions in place because of damaged or failed infrastructure and low reservoirs, the latter following the lack of winter and spring rainfall after last year’s record-breaking dry summer. In […]

Evidence please

Evidence please Editor Peter Fellows starts surveys of lost facilities and shallow visitor moorings. The warming weather means that many of the estimated 50% of boaters who are leisure cruisers start to gear up for their first outing of the year and the other 50% who live aboard come out of hibernation to enjoy the […]

NABO News Editorial September 2018

Consultations, breaches and closures but Editor, Peter Fellows, also notes some wonderful weather and meaningful meetings There’s been a lot happening on the waterways since the last NABO News in July. The summer’s weather has allowed marvellous cruising, but the high temperatures and prolonged drought have also caused problems for CRT’s water management. An article […]