CRT Terms and Conditions – NABO letter to members

Following the last NABO Council meeting it was resolved to write to our members (and CRT) outlining our continuing concerns.   As many of you will be aware there has recently been yet another revision of the Canal and River Trust’s (CRT) Terms and Conditions (T&C’s) for private boaters. This latest publication follows their admission […]

CRT investments

Mark Tizard, Anne Husar and Peter Fellows respond to a recent CRT statement. CRT inherited a portfolio of properties from BW, some of which are needed for its operations. In a statement, it says that others were specified as investments to provide an income stream to fund ongoing maintenance. It also claims that it has […]

Network Rail consult on upgrades near to Huddersfield

Network Rail is proposing to upgrade the rail lines to the east of the town of Huddersfield to Westtown (Dewsbury). The scheme is a key part of the Transpennine Route Upgrade, which consists of targeted upgrades to the rail network to increase capacity, improve reliability and accessibility and reduce journey times, both within this corridor […]

All-Party Parliamentary Waterways Group meeting in March 2018

All-Party Parliamentary Waterways Group In March, the group called a meeting between waterway organisations and Thérèse Coffey MP, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for the Environment with responsibility for the waterways, and Richard Parry. However, it gave NABO only four days’ notice, so the Council was unable to find a member who could attend. Instead NABO […]

NABO submission in response to the Draft London Environment Strategy

The National Association of Boat Owners (NABO) is a voluntary membership organisation, principally consisting of private boat owners based on the inland waterways of England and Wales. NABO exists to represent the interests of its members with navigation authorities and government organisations and to promote responsible ownership and use of inland boats. We are writing […]

Network Rail consult on upgrades through Bletchley

The scheme is known as East West Rail Western Section Phase 2 Network Rail’s plan is to develop a proposal to upgrade and reconstruct existing, and mothballed (no longer in use) sections of track linking Bedford-Bicester and Milton Keynes-Princes Risborough.  What will the scheme deliver? New journey opportunities for passengers between Bedford and Bicester, new […]