NABO responds to second NWC consultation
NABO has responded to DEFRA's second consultation on the NWC.
NABO responds to the DEFRA consultation on NWC
Our response has now been completed to the consultation on "A New Era for the Waterways".
Draft of the response to DEFRA’s consultation
Council are busy putting the final touches to the response to DEFRA. This is one of the most important consultations for many years, and we have to get it right.
NABO responds to RED consulation
NABO has recently responded to the Department for Transport consultation on the Renewable Energy Directive.
NABO’s Response to the DfT RED Consultation
In its response to the Department for Transport Red Diesel Consultation, NABO requests that at this time, the inland waterway market be exempted from the use of fuels with a bio content of more than the current target of 3.5%.
NABO responds to 2011 Licence fee consultation
After internal discussion within NABO Council and considering comments and suggestions from members, NABO has submitted its response to the 2011 Licence fee consultation document as follows: National Association of Boat Owners Consultation response concerning the Proposed changes to the licencing system in 2011. Boat Licence Changes 2011 The National Association […]
Drinking and Driving
Click Here to view NABO’s Submission to the Department of Transport on Drink Driving