CRT launch a “Boater Census”
The Canal & River Trust is launching the first ever Boater Census and is asking every boat licence holder to take part and help paint a picture of who boats on the charity’s waterways. The Boater Census has been designed with input from boater representatives on the Trust’s Council to help understand the different needs […]
Waterways Ombudsman Annual Reports for 2021/22.
The Waterways Ombudsman and the Waterways Ombudsman Committee issue Annual Reports for 2021/22. This is the third annual report of the current Ombudsman, Sarah Daniel. During the year, the Ombudsman received 63 enquiries, 51 of which were directly about the Canal & River Trust, one was about the Avon Navigation Trust, the others about bodies […]
Grass cutting update
Grass cutting update In April’s NABO News, we set the scene for CRT’s mowing plans for this summer. So how is it going? Well it is clear that not all is well. The only really good point is that there are a very great number of wild flowers on the towpath fringes.In an unprecedented admission, […]
Towpath trials
Towpath trials Carolyn (CJ) Green watches the goings-on from her tiller. As you already know, CRT doesn’t possess a magic money pot, so improving crumbling towpaths is not high on its list of priorities. Instead, they look to outside agencies (councils etc.) for assistance. When Sustrans decided to upgrade sections of towpath, CRT must have […]
NABO’s regular meeting with CRT
NABO’s regular meeting with CRT On 7th February 2022, Mike Rodd and Anne Husar had their regular meeting with CRT’s Matthew Symonds and Rachel Howard and, on this occasion, Sean McGinley, who covered the situation regarding the Ferrybridge fish deaths and suspension of freight movement. Concerns over facility closures: the facility block at Sutton Cheney has […]
Boat Safety Scheme consultation
Boat Safety Scheme consultation In March, the BSS began consulting boaters on proposals contained in its Examination Checking Procedures. The revisions apply to checks used in examinations of privately owned boats, managed boats in private use, and boats subject to the 2017 Hire Boat Requirements. The consultation concerns the introduction of two mandatory BSS requirements […]
NABO calls for boaters to write to MPs
CRT are talking earnestly to the Government about the renewal of their contract to operate the canal and river system. Could there possibly be a worse time for CRT to negotiate a financial settlement with DEFRA and the Treasury? But they are trying, and it is time for us to press our MPs to support […]
BSS consultation on two new examination requirements
A public consultation by the Boat Safety Scheme (BSS) on proposals within a clarified and improved set of BSS Examination Checking Procedures (ECP) opened today Monday 7 March and will run to Tuesday 31 May 2022 and is available on its website The revisions to the BSS ECP are the product of many months […]
CRT privacy issues
CRT privacy issues In December 2020, while the terms and conditions consultation was in progress, we reviewed the privacy documents and made a submission on our concerns. They were numerous, but three stood out: the first was readability; the second was that the documents were obviously written at different times, so they did not link […]
Fish Mortality on the approaches to Leeds.
Howard Anguish reports on the situation. There is growing concern being felt about incidents of fish mortality at Ferrybridge which seem to be caused by the passage of large barges as a direct result of the new gravel trade recently introduced into Leeds. This has led to the pausing of traffic while investigations are carried […]