NABO responds to the CRT consultation on licence terms

NABO has now responded to the consultation by Canal and River Trust on private boat licence terms and conditions. The consultation closes on 20 December. If you have not done so please complete your personal return. Details are in the last boaters update, or on this link. You can read the main NABO response here. […]

London mooring survey

CRT is asking waterway users for ideas on how to address perceived problems caused by large numbers of boats moored on some of London’s waterways, particularly the Paddington Arm, Regent’s Canal, Hertford Union Canal, Limehouse Cut and the Lee Navigation. Since October, it has been holding Zoom virtual consultation meetings to hear ideas and answer questions. The remaining meetings are to […]

NABO writes to MPs in the APPGW

NABO has written to the MPs who are members of the All Party Parliamentary Group for Waterways about the licence terms and conditions. We have also sent out a press release to Towpath Talk, Waterways World, Canal Boat and Narrow Boat World. The latter have just published a pro NABO comment encoring readers to invest […]

Update on the CRT ‘terms’ consultation

This is one of those NABO moments when our long-term knowledge, experience and memory pay back. Like no other inland boating organisation, we just love the small print and legalities. We do this so that boaters are represented with a balanced and informed view. We do not do this to find loops holes in the […]

HM Treasury consultation on white vs red diesel

The consultation on the proposed imposition of white diesel for propulsion on waterways closes on the 1st October. NABO has now responded and the document is here. Needless to say we have objected to everything they propose, which we see as flawed at every turn. It is the same message we have been giving for […]

APPGW meeting

A meeting of the APPWG was held on 14th May using the Zoom videoconferencing facility. NABO attended as observers – the norm for such meetings. This well-attended meeting was chaired by the APPWG’s Chairman, Michael Fabricant, and very appropriately focused on the need for dedicated financial support for waterways businesses. The lead speaker was Paul […]