Aylesbury Canal Society move into new Club facilities building

The new facilities building and club headquarters for Aylesbury Canal Society at Circus Field basin on the edge of Aylesbury was formally handed  over  to Society Chairman Bryan Barnes ( left) on 12 September by Peter Hubbard of the builders, Lodge Park Construction Limited.   

Occupation of Stoke Bruerne Visitor Moorings

A boat owning resident of Stoke Breune has been surveying occupancy during August, walking the towpath from the Museum to the Tunnel entrance every night. The results show consistently less than full occupancy. We are advised that the long pound had an even lower level of occupancy both before and after the changes.

Loss of access to visitor moorings at Upton upon Severn, River Severn

NABO members have brought to our attention yet another loss of visitors mooring. It is understood that CRT have given permission for a trip boat to use the visitor moorings at Upton on Severn to pick up and drop off passengers. NABO is alarmed that one of the most popular visitor moorings on the Severn, […]

Loss of User Moorings to commercial activities

The NABO Council has become increasingly aware of a number of key visitors moorings being withdrawn (often without any consultation with users) and made available for other purposes, typically of a commercial nature. In this light, we have been alerted to a planning permission application on the K&A to change of use a visitor mooring […]