Open Letter to Richard Parry
Dear Richard. Following NABO’s recent Council meeting, I have been asked to write to you to raise the following concerns: we appreciate the efforts that CRT is now making to limit the use of the towpath for exercise, specifically in areas where there are moored boats, but we feel more needs to be done. We […]
Mindful of the needs of others
Mike Rodd considers some effects of the pandemic. Like many of our members in self-isolation at home and unable to travel to our boats, it has really come home to us how much the canals and rivers are an essential part of our lives. It also reminds us how precious these waterways are, and how […]
Mostly, but not all about Coronavirus
Editor, Peter Fellows, has news of other developments, even though little is happening on the waterways. The ramifications of the Coronavirus lockdown have dominated the waterway news for nearly eight weeks at the time of writing and these are widely reflected in this issue. CRT’s decision not to close towpaths to visitors initially caused an […]
National Inland Navigation Forum Meeting, March 2020
NINF met via a teleconference on Saturday 28th March 2020 with most member bodies represented, together with the General Secretary, Michael Stimpson. This Forum continues to be a useful meeting point bringing together navigational bodies involved in CRT, EA and other waterways. Present active members include DBA, AWCC, NABO, GOBA, HNBC, CBOA, IWA and RBOA. […]
Wales and the South West
A very positive meeting at the Crofton Pumping Station was held with Mark Evans, recently appointed as the Waterways Director. I emphasised how pleased NABO was, and indeed most boaters were, that Mark was now in this position, especially as he would be building on his previous excellent work running the K&A & B&T. Mark […]
Bridgwater tidal barrier consultation
Mike Rodd responds to DEFRA for NABO. ‘Having studied the submission prepared by the Inland Waterways Association, NABO supports its objections to the proposed order as follows: Land is required within the decommissioned bypass channel for the future construction of a lock to mitigate the impact of the tidal barrier; Navigation over its lifetime has […]
The need for representation
Mike Rodd compares the attitudes of two navigation authorities. Although being on a boat is a good place to self-isolate, if you are not a liveaboard, going to your boat is no longer an option. If you are already on board, CRT and the EA are asking boaters to stop all travel on the waterways, […]
Stay safe
Editor, Peter Fellows, has a wide range of news in these uncertain times. Unsurprisingly, Covid-19 is foremost in most people’s minds and this is reflected in this issue. Mike Rodd has been attending EA and Thames User Group meetings on behalf of NABO. This is in addition to his many other jobs as Chair (such […]
CRT response to coronavirus
CRT has provided their response to the virus, which for many of us is giving normal life a bit of a rest. The headline is that the canals remain open for use. Good news. See their web page here. For NABO, all representative meetings are being cancelled, but plans are being put in place for […]
CRT Council Elections – your vote counts!
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