Wales and South West
Both the K&A and the Mon & Brec have seen very welcome and extensive winter work, and on the K&A we were delighted to see that CRT is at last introducing so-called ‘composite’ lock gates – basically steel but with sacrificial wooden components. Both Canal Trusts have been working on these for some five years […]
A qualified pat on the back
A qualified pat on the back Mark Tizard digs into the detail of CRT’s first monthly waterway experience survey. CRT recently published the headline results of its new Waterway Experience Survey, distributed monthly between April and September to a sample of boaters sighted in each waterway region, to get their feedback on the waterways they […]
Toddbrook Reservoir update
In January, CRT started work to enhance the resilience of the dam wall and spillway. This will be followed later in the year by improvements to the Todd Brook inlet channel at the head of the reservoir to provide more control over how much water flows into the reservoir, or around it via a bypass channel […]
Challenges in the year ahead
Challenges in the year ahead Mike Rodd considers NABO’s priorities and the way forward. Coming back into the NABO chair at this time in the history of our waterways is far more formidable that it might seem – the challenges that face us are by no means simple. The next few years will be critical […]
Editorial, Feb 2020
Gently down the stream Editor Peter Fellows sees rivers featuring prominently in this issue. Since the last issue, NABO Council members have had a series of meetings with senior CRT staff and it is refreshing to note that the dialogue has improved since 12 months ago when, as Mike Rodd says in his Chair’s column: […]
North West
From Ken Hylins I attended the Regional Forum on November 19th, where the Regional Manager put forward his aims and projections for the coming year. He has been heavily involved in the Toddbrook Reservoir issue, using up much of his time, and he reiterated that the repair would not come out of CRT’s budget. The […]
K&A and Wales
From Mike Rodd I met Jon Horsfall, the interim CRT Director in Wales & South West, on 2nd October in Gloucester. Jon was appointed to take over from Richard Thomas, who left suddenly in July. The meeting proved to be a most useful, frank exchange of views and resulted in an agreement to continue to […]
Yorkshire & NE Local Waterway Forum on 23rd October
Howard Anguish attended the Yorkshire & NE Local Waterway Forum on 23rd October, held at Fearns Wharf, Leeds. National Issues: The introduction was given by Regional Director, Sean McGinley, who talked us through the Regional Structure Update, which included a map showing boundaries, together with an organogram showing role allocations within the region. Two […]
Council Report for the AGM
Mark Tizard and Mike Rodd prepared a review of 2019. Thank you for coming. Stella Ridgway, our Chair, unfortunately can’t be with us as she continues to recover from her kidney transplant. Stella is standing down from our Council and, on behalf of NABO, we would like to thank her for her service. She will […]
New Year, New Faces?
Editor, Peter Fellows has a plea for members to help the association operate effectively. As 2019 fades into winter with deluges raising river levels across the country, NABO says farewell to Chair, Stella Ridgway and East Midlands Rep., Joan Jamieson, who we thank for all their work over the years. I have also said goodbye […]