CRT backs off from Roving Mooring Permits
"The Canal & River Trust has reluctantly concluded that roving mooring permits, which it was proposing to introduce in two local areas from April 2014, cannot be used to deal with localised issues of mooring congestion on the waterways. This follows further consideration of legal issues which raised doubts about the practical implications of implementing […]
NABO comments on the recent legal action between NBTA and CRT
NABO comments on the recent legal action between NBTA and CRT We ask has this muddied the waters further or has CRT succeeded in getting formal legal support for their ‘guidance for boaters without a home mooring’ ?
NABO supports CRTâs national canal flood appeal
The extreme weather that weâve all been subject to this year has had a severe impact across our historic network of canals and rivers. CRTâs teams are battling to protect our waterways from damage. However, they urgently need our support to permanent damage to any of our precious canals and river navigations. NABOâs Council has […]
NABO loses it oldest member: Philip Ogden passes away
It is with great sadness that we have learnt that NABOâs oldest member died on the 5th of February 2014. Philip celebrated his 100th birthday last June. He had kept remarkably fit and boated into his 90’s, happily stepping over lock gates in his 80âs! Joining NABO in its early years, he served on our […]
NABO responds to CRT review of elections to CRT Council
NABO has responded to the CRT Consultation paper – REVIEW OF ELECTIONS TO COUNCIL, published 19 November 2013, see: The CRT Council was formed 18 months ago ahead of the launch of the Canal & River Trust and has an important role in helping to shape policy, raise and debate issues, provide guidance and […]
NABO repsonds to HS2 phase 2 consultation
NABO has made a brief response to the HS2 Phase Two proposed line of route consultation. This consultation seeks views on the proposed high speed rail route from the West Midlands to Manchester, Leeds and beyond, as well as on the sustainability impacts of the proposed line of route. The consultation closes on Friday 31st […]
NABO responds to K&A moorings report
NABO responds to the Canal and River Trust consultation report on a proposed âTowpath Mooring Planâ for The Kennet & Avon Canal Brief History In 2012, at the request of the Canal and River Trust (CRT), the K&A Waterways Partnership nominated a mooring sub-group to come up with workable ways of addressing the CRT aims […]
NABO News Chair Column Dec 13
I am starting to realise that the apparently kind and flattering invitation a year ago to talk at the NABO AGM about our experiences in setting up the first trial K&A/CRT Waterways Partnership was really a recruitment exercise! NABO has just taken over my life!
NABO Comments on the CRT’s Towpath Mooring Project
A Recent Press release from NABO stated :- NABO welcomes the recent changes to CRTâs communication strategy as recently announced by CEO Richard Parry and the recent project update issued by Sally Ash Head of Boating.  It is to be welcomed that after the recent flawed SE Visitor Mooring Consultation and subsequent workshops that CRT […]
NABO News Editorial December 2013
A breath of fresh air Those members who were unable to attend the AGM in November missed a real treat. Not only an interesting and enjoyable presentaÂtion from Adam Comerford, CRTâs Group Hydrology Manager, but also an opportunity to feed our opinions into proposals for new water manÂagement strategy. Richard Parry, CRTâs new Chief Executive, […]