National Inland Navigation Forum (NINF)

NABO is an active member of this informal forum which brings together organisations with navigational interests, with meetings often having invited representatives of waterways authorities. NINF members include AWCC, BM, CBOA, GOBA, RBOA, IWA, TBA and DBA. Meetings ensure regular dialogue between these organisations and especially those concerned with waterways covered by CRT and the […]

CRT Navigation Advisory Groups

CRT operate a number of important “advisory groups” covering a range of different areas from freight and navigation to volunteering and heritage. These are committees set up to provide a consultation body for CRT discuss proposals, policy and performance. For boaters the “Navigation Advisory Groups” or NAGs are the relevant committee. NAG comprises boaters with […]

Moorings matter

NABO campaigns extensively on mooring strategies. This is a significant issue, and is guaranteed to gather wide views, regardless of boating patterns. Everybody wants a good safe mooring near that pub, shop, car park or remote spot in the country. Towns, villages and canalside venues want visitor moorings so that customers can come and go. […]