Report on the National Usersā Forum (NUF) September 2013
A breath of fresh air? Mike Rodd reports on the National Users’ Forum (NUF) held on 12th September 2013 This was the second meeting of this new forum, established largely to replace the now-abandoned British Waterways Advisory Forum (BWAF) which had been effective in bringing together the BW management team and waterways interest groups. The […]
Bulletin October 2013
Dear Members, This is the third NABO Bulletin. This is not intended to complete with NABO News, but rather to tell members what Association Officers are doing for you, and what you can do for the Association. Internal NABO issues The next Council meeting is on Saturday 12 October at the Waggon and Horses, Olbury, […]
Latest on CRT court cases
Simon Robbins sums up the recent legal outcomes. You may recall that, arising out of our legal complaint, NABO persuaded CRT to publish the outcomes of ‘boating enforcement’ cases that went to court. Our legal advice suggests that some of the claims BW/CRT were making about their supposed powers were controversial and challengeable. In practice we reached […]
Bulletin September 2013
Dear Members As promised in the July NABO News, here is the first of the NABO Bulletins. This is not intended to complete with NABO News, but rather to tell members what Association Officers are doing for you, and what you can do for the Association. Past representation events CRT Council members Ā in June with […]
NABO Subscriptions
I am writing asking for your help. As you know we have increased the subscriptions from 1st April. The renewals since then have not all been going well, with many payments made at the old rate, despite the renewal reminders. This is a serious situation for the Association as we now have theĀ additional work of […]
Web site structure and Group hierarcy
This is a general description of the web site structure.
NABO responds to the CRT SE Moorings consultation
NABO has responded to the CRT consultation "Refreshing signage and rules for South East visitor moorings sites: boater consultation Jan-Feb 2013." The consultation closed on 28 February.
Cambridge consultation on Riverside Moorings
Cambridge City Council have launched a consultation on the Riverside Moorings.
EA Thames lock closures – 2012/13
EA have recently issued their programme of River Thames lock closures, all part of the Waterway investment programme – 2012/13.
CRT Open day 17 Feb at Dowley Gap Locks and Aqueduct
CRT are holding an open day on Sunday 17 February at Dowley Gap Locks and Aqueduct. The date has been changed from 27th January