British Waterways Transfer Order in Parliament
The draft Order for the transfer of functions of British Waterways to the Canal & River Trust was laid before Parliament on 29 February 2012. The Public Bodies Act 2011 allows for such orders to be approved by resolution of each House after the expiry of the 40-day period specified in the Act.
Vote 1 for Stephen Peters
Your Vote is Important! Look out for your Canal and River Trust Council voting details envelope. Whichever means of placing your vote you choose, put a 1 against the name of Stephen Peters, NABO's preferred Boaters Representative candidate. To find out more about why you should vote for Stephen, have a look here:
Canal & River Trust – the other constituencies
by Stephen Peters (NABO and TBA preferred candidate in the CRT elections) As boat owners, our thoughts during the current CRT Council elections have understandably been centred on selecting the 4 Boater representatives who will serve on the Council for the next four years. Boaters with the appropriate licences will by now have received the […]
The Canal & River Trust concerns Stephen Peters
Stephen Peters (NABO and TBA preferred candidate in the CRT elections) writes: I am beginning to get a little concerned about the direction in which CRT matters are proceeding in the run-up to the eventual handover of British Waterways’ activities to the new charity later this year. Delays
Another NABO member stands for CRT Council
Bernard Hughes of NB EIN CARIAD is also standing for CRT Council. He writes: I am writing to ask for your support in the forthcoming election to the CRT Council.
Over £1 billion investment secures future of new waterways charity
Here is the direct article placed by DEFRA and its announcement this morning (Tuesday 31st January) NABO Chairman is at a presentation by the Government during Tuesday afternoon and will no doubt comment further following that.
CRT forms links with Arts Council
Arts Council England and the Canal & River Trust have agreed to implement a shared approach to engaging with the contemporary arts for the benefit of the waterways network, users and the artistic community.
Boater has lucky escape from boat fire
A boater had a lucky escape in the last few days. NABO understands that the fire originated at night from a pyrolysis fire of wood in the cabin lining adjacent to a solid fuel stove. The boater apparently did not have a functioning smoke alarm, and was lucky to escape the smoke filled boat.
Report on Response to the PLA Consultation
A report on responses to the recent PLA consultation is now available here. OPLAC Chair Davis Beaumont commented: The charts show a sea of red which indicates 'I generally disagree'. We are particularly encouraged by the responses to "I would be happy for my fee to be published" – 80% in favour! This is one […]
NABO Council voted in at the Annual General Meeting
The AGM was held at the Stafford Boat Club on Saturday 12 November.