*** New – How to Buy a Boat
We have published a revised version of our publication about how to purchase a boat – here. Copies will be available at the Crick Show.
BW property sell off
Dear friends There is good news coming from BW on the issue of the potential sell off. They have put out a press release.
Political lobbying
Dear friends I forward information about the political lobbying that is going on.
Commercial Waterways Guidance
NABO, in partnership with The Boating Association and the Commercial Boat Operators Association, has had a commitment from BW to make the NABO guidance leaflets for the River Trent and the Aire & Calder Navigation available for free at relevant locks and BW Offices.
BW Customer Relations
Congratulations to Caroline Killeavy who has now taken over from Jonathan Bryant in this role.
Issue 3-09, May 2009 is now in the members area
Chairman’s news
Dear all There are a few issues this week. Firstly, we are getting good data though on boating costs from the survey and thanks to all those who have responded. But we do need more.
Cost of Boating Survey
NABO News Issue 2 (March-April 2009) is now in the members zone of the website COST OF BOATING SURVEY – http://www.surveymonkey.com/NABOCoBS2009
Latest from the Chair
All, I have the latest NN though the door, and look back to what I wrote there. It appears a long time ago with all that is going on.