NABO concerned about the future of Blowers Green Pumphouse

To: Canal & River Trust acting as Trustee of the Waterways Infrastructure Trust; F.A.O. Jeff Peake, Estates Department, Aqua House, 20 Lionel Street, Birmingham, B3 1QA. Dear Sirs Re: Dispose of freehold interest in Blowers Green Pumphouse, Peartree Lane, Dudley, West Midlands In response to your recent public notice for the purposes of Section 121 […]

CRT equality policy

CRT equality policy In October, CRT published its policy to promote equality for people with protected characteristics under the Equality Act 2010 and its approach to making reasonable adjustments to remove disadvantages for disabled people in accessing and using its waterways. The policy ensures that CRT: Ā§       Provides equality, fairness and respect concerning all aspects […]

AGM minutes archive

Here are the scanned records of the AGM meeting minutes. These are confidential to members and are not intended for publication. Members are required to keep them, and any statements within as privilaged information, and may not use it or quote it elsewhere.   1991 missingĀ  1992 missingĀ  1993Ā  1994 Ā Ā  1995Ā Ā  1996Ā Ā  1997Ā Ā  1998Ā Ā  […]

EA publishes summary of consultation responses to proposed Navigation charges 2018/19

Weā€™d firstly like to thank those who responded to our recent consultation on our proposed charge increase for 2018/19. We had a reasonable number of responses from a good cross section of representatives from the four stakeholder groups. Many of you gave very detailed and considered responses which we very much value.  We have now […]

Future of Crofton Beam Engines secured thanks to National Lottery Grant

The Kennet & Avon Canal Trust is delighted to announce that it has been awarded more than Ā£Ā½m of National Lottery funding from the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) as the major contribution to an Ā£845,000 project to secure the future of the steam driven Crofton Beam Engines, located at Crofton near Marlborough in Wiltshire. Thanks […]

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