Is there a need for a CRT welfare manager?

Recently CRT legally removed a boat from its waters using the section 8 process and in so doing effectively made a mentally ill boater homeless. This is a pretty provocative statement and feelings around this event recently ran high on the boating forums and web journals. In short order a petition asking CRT to stop […]

CRT set days for CE open boater meetings

Canal & River Trust have issued a press release on 8 January setting dates for the Chief Executives' initiative of open boater meetings. They are planned for Thursday 23 January, 6pm – Birmingham, Saturday 8 February, 3pm – Nottingham, and Wednesday 26 February, 6pm – Banbury. NABO Chairman Mike Rodd said "I very much welcome […]

Chairman’s report

Chairman’s Column I am starting to realise that the apparently kind and flattering invitation a year ago to talk at the NABO AGM about our experiences in setting up the first trial K&A/CRT Waterways Partnership was really a recruitment exercise! NABO has just taken over my life! My starting point is my belief that CRT […]

NABO responds to the consultation for K&A mooring plan

NABO has responded to the “consultation” on a proposed “Towpath Mooring Plan” for The Kennet & Avon Canal west of Devizes to Bath (not including the River Avon after Bath). Although stated as a “consultation” this questionnaire appears to be simply a list of intentions. Also, the associated letter states CRT’s intention to implement the […]

NABO Council members meet with CRT CEO Richard Parry

On 15 November NABO Chairman David Fletcher and Council Members Mike Rodd and Mark Tizard met with Richard Parry, the Canal and River Trust’s CEO, at their Milton Keynes offices. The meeting was a good opportunity for us to give Richard an overview of NABO and its recent history of engagement with BW/CRT, and he […]

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