Cost of Boating Survey

NABO News Issue 2 (March-April 2009) is now in the members zone of the website


Up, up, up: mooring fees, licences, insurance, fuel, heating costs seem to be increasing above inflation year on year. With the credit crunch a reality, many boaters are asking how much harder our pockets can be squeezed.


NABO Council believes it important that we monitor the rate of increase of boaters’ costs so that we can speak from knowledge, when speaking on your behalf to government departments, BW, EA etc.

In order to do this, we are asking NABO members to complete our simple internet-based Cost of Boating Survey 2009.

Among the questions we ask are the actual costs of your Licence, Moorings, Insurance and BSS Certificate (if relevant) for the past 12 months.

We also invite you to enter amounts, or estimates, of fuel, gas, coal and routine maintenance costs; also, enforced extraordinary expenditure such as bottom blacking and major engine repairs.

Because this is our first Cost of Boating Survey, it would be helpful if you could enter the previous year’s figures as well (if available).

Gathering this information together beforehand will make it easier for you to complete the survey. The on-line survey could then take no more than 10 minutes to complete.

Members should enter the following link in their browser:

To prevent spurious entries, the survey requires a password: CoventryBasin (without a space).

The closing date for completion of the Survey is 30th April 2009.

A summary of the results will be published in a future edition of NABO News.

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