New NABO Council member from RCTA

We are delighted to welcome Paul Howland as a co-opted member of the NABO Council. Paul retired early as a joinery estimator and ISO Auditor, and with his partner,  Jennie, brought a sail-a-way shell and built their new home.

After spending some time in the workshop of a fender maker, he became a
fender maker and registered as a roving trader. He is now the Chairman and Membership Secretary of the Roving Canal Traders Association, who represent, promote and enhance the canal's unique trading community, selling a diverse range of products including Coal and Diesel, Painted Canal Ware, Crafts, Art, Food and Drink, Jewellery, Herbs, Fenders, Souvenirs, and much more. In discussions with Paul and his colleagues, it became evident that they share many of issues that NABO deals with and that it will benefit both organisations to work closely together. For more information on the RCTA


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