CRT Council Elections: NABO to support Stella Ridgeway

Stella attended the NABO Council meeting held on Saturday 5th September and as a result, it was decided unanimously to support her in her forthcoming campaign for a place on CRTs Council.

Mike Rodd, NABO chairman, says "we feel that Stella will be able to truly represent a high proportion of the boating community and that her views are aligned with NABO's core values."

A summary of Stella's statement for Council is as follows

"My name is Stella Ridgway and I continuously cruise with my husband and two Labradors on NB Gracie. I am the great granddaughter of a fly boatman out of Middlewich.

I have considerable experience in mediation and consultation and if elected I would:

· Encourage CRT to focus on the maintenance of the canal navigation and infrastructure.

· Seek to ensure all users respect the canal and its environment

· Canvas and seek to get boaters views heard on, for instance:

– Towpath safety and responsible cycling

– More facilities in popular areas

– Accessible moorings long and short term

– Fair and consistent enforcement

If we all show consideration and treat others, as we would like to be treated, I believe we can preserve our way of life. Boaters and visitors on the towpath should be able to enjoy a safe environment to enjoy the wild life, passing boats, canal side attractions. The vast majority of boaters respect the canal environment and boat responsibility and I would encourage CRT not to affect the enjoyment of the vast majority when trying to manage the irresponsible behaviour of the few

We have five grown children; in the UK, Norway, USA and New Zealand and I work within the Financial Sector.

You can contact me or look for my page on Facebook: Stella Ridgway – Boater

Stella Ridgway BSc (Hons)
Unite Rep. Narrowboat Dweller, Don't work Fridays"

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