CRT equality policy

CRT equality policy

In October, CRT published its policy to promote equality for people with protected characteristics under the Equality Act 2010 and its approach to making reasonable adjustments to remove disadvantages for disabled people in accessing and using its waterways. The policy ensures that CRT:

§       Provides equality, fairness and respect concerning all aspects of its customer service delivery;

§       Does not unlawfully discriminate on the grounds of the Act’s protected characteristics of age, disability, gender reassignment, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, gender and sexual orientation;

§       Opposes and avoids all forms of unlawful discrimination.

For example, where a physical feature of the network (e.g. barriers on towpaths aimed at deterring motorcyclists) puts a disabled person at a substantial disadvantage compared with people who are not disabled, CRT will take reasonable steps to avoid the disadvantage or adopt a reasonable alternative method of providing the service. Also it will not treat a woman unfavourably because of her pregnancy or in the 26 weeks after she gives birth. The Trust requested that complaints of bullying, harassment, victimisation and unlawful discrimination by employees, customers, suppliers, visitors and the public should be reported under this policy. Full details of the policy are available at or search ‘equality policy’ on its website.

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