CRT say canals are open for boating! Read the detail!

This is CRT’s statement.

Following the temporary reopening of canals over the October half term (PR attached), I’m pleased to say that these canals are now open for boating until further notice (excluding any planned winter works).

Additionally, the restrictions on the Grand Union and Oxford canals at Watford, Foxton and Braunston are being lifted from 1 November.

There are still a few restrictions in place, notably at Bosley and Marple lock flights on the Peak Forest & Macclesfield canals and at Tuel Lane on the Rochdale, so please check our published notices for more details.


  • Leeds & Liverpool – canal is open until further notice. There are some restrictions on both the East and West sides.
  • Leeds & Liverpool – Leigh Branch – open with remaining restrictions being lifted on 31 October.
  • Peak Forest & Macclesfield –Bosley Flight is open until 31 October with the Marple Flight opening on 2 November only for booked passage. Canals will then be open as follows – Bosley Flight – three days/week from Friday 4 November, Marple Flight – Wednesdays from 2 November. Further review planned for mid-November.
  • Huddersfield Narrow Canal –West side of canal is open until further notice. Summit and East side will remain closed due to ongoing engineering work
  • Rochdale – canal is open (with booked passages) until further notice.
  • Ashton – canal is open until further notice .
  • Caldon – canal is open until further notice, apart from the Froghall branch that is closed due to engineering works.
  • Trent & Mersey – canal is open until further notice.
  • Oxford / Grand Union – canals open with some restrictions in place to help with refill over the winter. Restrictions at Braunston to be lifted on 1 November.
  • Grand Union South – canal open with restrictions in place to help with refill over the winter.
  • Grand Union Leicester Line – open with restrictions at Watford and Foxton being lifted on 1 November.
  • Grand Union Canal Aylesbury Arm – open with restrictions in place.
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