BW’s thinking on the 3rd sector?

BW continue to consult on their 2020 proposals for moving the organisation to the third sector. NABO Chairman attended a workshop hosted by DEFRA on 15 July to discuss this,

and also hear more about the possibility of EA navigations moving to BW control.

We hear David Cameron this week talking about "Civil Society", which, in simple terms, is encouraging communities to take responsibility for providing services, rather than central government.

It does appear that BW’s proposals for 3rd sector very much fit into this category, and the new policy does not significantly affect BW’s plans. Both DEFRA and BW remain very cautious, saying that this and other options are under consideration and that no decisions have been made. But consultations continue with another workshop for stakeholders planned for August. There are no other detailed proposals being outlined in these meetings so far.

BW are very clear that doing nothing or privatisation are not viable options.

BW presented information at the workshop and this is in line with all that we have heard in the last 15 months or so. From this we begin to see how stakeholders like NABO would contribute to the future.

Click here to see BW’s presentation 

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