DEFRA issue report on NWC Consultation

DEFRA together with the Interim Trustees have now reported on the spring consultation for the New Waterway Charity and this summary of response document throws some light on the future.

One clear intention is that private boaters will be predominantly represented from the outset on Council though election by the constituency of licence holders. There will be an election for four seats and a fifth boater will be nominated.

NABO Chair commented: "NABO specifically asked for this in our response to the consultation. There are many decisions still to take in the later part of the year, not least on constitution, local boards and the level of funding from DEFRA. There are some who are concerned over the degree of haste over all this, and I acknowledge the view. But I think that there is nothing like a good crisis to get things done."

If you would like to read the DEFRA response click here

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