NABO Members ( in fact, any Boat Owners!) should not miss out on the chance of crossing the Ribble if one crew member
is not so sure about making the trip. Local NABO members with plenty of expereince are happy to provide crew (including an anchor if needed) and transport the nervous member by road to the head of the Savick Brook.
A donation to cover a litre of diesel is always welcome of course but the Lancaster Canal is really worth the visit and it’s a shame to miss it because the crossing is daunting to some crew. Just get hold of General Secretary Richard Carpenter who will set the wheels in motion.
Local pilots are charging £45 for the trip but Richard said, "It’s so nice that people are getting up to our part of the system, and we are really proud of all the work that went into getting the Link built and opened; we don’t want boaters to miss out. The two hour trip down the Dounglas and along the Ribble is quite breathtaking and so many boaters have enjoyed it – however some crew, including my own, are less happy out on the wide river, which is fair enough. Now we hope we can take away an obstacle when members are planning their cruising!"