Editorial July 2017

Coping with canoes

Editor, Peter Fellows welcomes clarification by CRT


Canoeists feature more prominently in this issue than previously, with news of new canoe slipways on the Llangollen, the opening of Foulridge Tunnel on the L&L to canoeists, and problems with some canoeists wanting to share locks with boats. While NABO welcomes the increased use of the waterways by as many people as possible, its main concern in relation to canoeists is safety ‒ it doesn’t take much imagination to see who will come off worse in situations where a canoe and a 12-tonne boat are in too close proximity ‒ such as a lock or a tunnel. So it is welcome that Jon Horsfall, CRT’s interim head of boating, has restated its policy on unpowered craft and has begun a process with British Canoeing to promote clear and straightforward information to increase awareness of what canoeists can and cannot do.

Although we have had occasional articles over the years on technical aspects of boating, I would like to print more, so I have introduced the first of a new series with a look at safety aspects of fuels on board. If you have specialist knowledge of any aspect of boat design, construction, equipment, facilities or maintenance, or just some handy technical tips that you’ve come across, please let me know. I’ve also repeated my request in the last issue for cartoons and a crossword compiler, but I’m pleased to report that we will hopefully soon have a new ‘Rewind’ column in each issue.

Elsewhere, there are reports from three of NABO’s regional reps; Howard Anguish in the North-east, Mike Rodd in Wales and Alison Tuck in the West Midlands. Mark Tizard has views on how boaters can be better ‘friends’ with CRT, which would be in the interests of both parties, and Helen Hutt recounts her first experience of boating along the Mon & Brec. Enjoy the summer (as I write this, I can’t believe it will already be mid-summer in a few days time). The next issue will be in October, so give me a wave if we pass on the north-west canals over the coming weeks.

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