Extended consultation on Lee & Stort Moorings

The consultation about the BW proposals for the management of moorings on the Rivers Lee & Stort, Hertford Union and Regent's Canals has been extended to the end of May 2011.

BW developed their proposals, aiming to balance the interests of different interest groups including boaters, walkers, rowers, canoeists, anglers, local residents, businesses and visitors to Lee Valley Park.

NABO response to the Local Mooring Strategy Consultation May 2011

NABO has now submitted our response, but there is still time for individuals to submit theirs. You can read the NABO response here.

Also you can read some of our thoughts in articles in the April NABO News beginning on pages 6, 24 and 29.

The plan has been drafted in response to the increased number of boats mooring in the area – an increase of nearly 40% over the past four years – and to the concern raised by other waterway users.

As the 1995 Act did not define 'place', BW's enforcement team has had difficulty applying a 'national rule' to local circumstances. They think that the most appropriate way to define 'place' is locally, which they are doing by specifying neighbourhoods and stay limits in local moorings.

The main proposals being put forward in the plan for the River Lee and adjacent waterways are:

  • designating mooring 'neighbourhoods' between which the boats should cruise, and where they can moor subject to time limits, encouraging boats to move along the waterways in a way that is fair to all;
  • introducing daily charges when boats remain beyond the maximum time limit;
  • talking to local authorities about the broad range of issues in the plan and how they might make provision for suitably located long-term moorings in the future.

For more details, see http://www.britishwaterways.co.uk/listening-to-you/consultations-and-reviews/current-consultations

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