Future of Environment Agency Navigations

Dear National Navigation User Forum Members,

Over the past few years we’ve had fruitful and positive discussions with the Canal & River Trust and Government about whether, and if so under what terms, the Environment Agency’s navigation responsibilities might be transferred to the Trust. 

CRT recently submitted their proposed terms for taking over our navigation responsibilities to Government. Ministers have considered the proposals and decided not to proceed with any transfer at the present time; however, they wish to keep the option open and return to it when they feel the time is right.

We in the Environment Agency will continue to concentrate on ensuring we run our navigations as efficiently as possible, including looking at new ways to raise revenue and engaging with our boating customers over our charges review.  We and CRT will continue to cooperate actively in the running of our respective navigations to ensure the best possible experience for all river and canal users.

Kind Regards

Mark Ormrod

E&B Manager, Navigation

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